First, let me say congratulations to Donald Trump and Mike Pence on last night’s victory. Much of America was in shock and awe, while some celebrated and others…. yeah others, rioted.

Here is my take on what happened to the Republican Party and how Donald Trump managed to take a movement to the White House without their help.

During the election cycle of 2012, Mr. Trump had spoken to a few members of the news media and had suggested that he might just run for the office. While it was, for the most part, a very tongue-in-cheek remark, it seemed to put a sense of urgency in the GOP. Mr. Trump did not run at that time and the GOP was not successful at a time when they should have been.

You see, as far back as 2010, the writing was on the wall that the GOP wanted Mitt Romney to be their candidate. They did everything could to undermine the other candidate’s campaigns to ensure that Mr. Romney would get the nomination, which he ultimately did. And then they put a muzzle on him and the rest is history.

Fast forward to June, 2015, when Donald Trump, after much speculation again, finally announced that he was running for President. The GOP did not take him seriously at all, nor did many of the jackasses in Washington. When it finally sunk in to everyone, in my humble opinion, was after the first debate. Mr. Trump seemed to capture the hearts of many frustrated Americans who had not been listened to before.

I believe in my heart, that Mr. Trump did not start out with the intention of winning this election. I truly think he was trying to force the GOP to bring out their best and brightest. He saw that the American people needed something new and bright and energetic. Americans needed a new coat, not someone’s dry-cleaned hand-me-down. But what they were getting was just that, dull, re-hashed candidates with establishment ties and the same old talking points. No passion. No energy. No excitement. The GOP let the American people down with the way they handled the candidates and the primaries, and when their talking points stopped working, they resorted to attacks on Donald Trump. I think it was Mr. Trump’s original hope that one would emerge as truly able to do the job needed but none did. One by one, they dropped like flies to leave Mr. Trump THE LAST MAN STANDING.

president-trumpHere is a man who is used to winning, accustomed to being on top, now in a position that I doubt he intended to be in. But there he was, and polls be damned he would finish what he started. He could do this. He would do this. He DID it.

GOP, stand up and take notes! Reince Priebus, as well as others in the GOP, never publicly denounced Mr. Trump. They stood by their support of the nominee because they saw it for what it was, the desire of the American people for something different, something that will hopefully propel this country forward. Many of you chose to go in directions other than that of your nominee. That nominee was elected by the People of the United States of America, the People you took an oath to represent.

It is time to get back to listening to what your constituents want as opposed to what you think is good for them. Your time in office is meant to be in service of those constituents, not about your own enrichment. Somewhere along the way, this unwritten “job description” has become lost and forgotten. Inform them, honestly, and seek their input. You have a unique opportunity to make a difference in the next couple of years. Try not to screw it up.

With Respect,
Sandra K Czyznikiewicz
Deputy Committeeman
Bremen Township Republican Organization
Cook County, Illinois